03/09/2023 - 03/11/2023: The Musculoskeletal System at Work and Updates in Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Thursday, March 9 - Saturday, March 11, 2023

Save the Date: March 9 - March 11, 2023. UCSF OEM Conference
UCSF Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Course Description

These courses are presented by the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the Department of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. They provide targeted reviews of one topic area along with a broader update of current topics in occupational and environmental health. The curriculum is designed for occupational and environmental health professionals, including occupational physicians and nurses, and industrial hygienists. It also meets the needs of primary care providers and others engaged in practice and research, including physicians (family medicine practitioners, internists, emergency medicine specialists), advanced practice nurses and other nursing professionals, and physician assistants. Policy makers and medical-legal practitioners also benefit from the curriculum offered. 


This course is designed to provide the experienced clinician with a review of the epidemiology, and the evaluation of occupational and environmental diseases and injuries. The curriculum will also include a substantial component focused on issues specifically pertinent to occupationally and environmentally-related disease. Most attendees will be occupational physicians, but some are specialists in related fields who will profit by an in-depth presentation of occupational and environmental medicine topics. Thus, although targeted for physicians, some non-physicians, in particular graduate nurses, usually attend and benefit from the curriculum. Some attendees are from developing countries where physicians are not available to provide consultation to industry for the development of health and safety programs; others have been U.S. nurse practitioners who play a pivotal role in occupational health.