Laurel Davis, MPH

Job title: 
Environmental Health & Safety Manager
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Laurel is an EHS Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and has over 25 years of ES&H experience. At Berkeley Lab, she manages a team of Industrial Hygienists and Safety Specialists, who support research operations and a broad range health and safety programs. She has previously worked as an Industrial Hygienist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and in the airline, biotechnology, and chemical manufacturing industries.

Laurel is a past-president of the AIHA Northern California local section, and is currently their Volunteer Coordinator and a representative to the California Industrial Hygiene Council (CIHC). She is a past chair of the AIHA Noise Committee and is active on the AIHA Laboratory Health and Safety Committee. She is a lecturer for the UC Berkeley School of Public Health and has previously taught in an Industrial Hygiene review course offered by Berkeley. Laurel maintains memberships in AIHA, ACGIH, and in the National Hearing Conservation Association. She is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and holds a Master of Public Health degree from UC Berkeley.