Heavy load carrying and musculoskeletal health: An exploratory study of biomechanical risk factors among sand miners in Pokhara, Kaski District, Nepal

Koyuncu A
Bates M
Petrin Z
Cope M
McCoy S
Prata N
Sijali T
Harris Adamson C
Publication type: 
Journal Articles
Koyuncu A, Bates M, Petrin Z, Cope M, McCoy S, Prata N, Sijali T, Harris Adamson C. Heavy load carrying and musculoskeletal health: An exploratory study of biomechanical risk factors among sand miners in Pokhara, Kaski District, Nepal. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2021; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ergon.2021.103187