Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality and Diesel Exhaust and Respirable Dust Exposure in the Diesel Exhaust in Miners Study

S Costello
MD Attfield
JH Lubin
AM Neophytou
A Blair
DM Brown
DT Silverman
Publication date: 
December 1, 2018
Publication type: 
Journal Articles
Costello S, Attfield MD, Lubin JH, Neophytou AM, Blair A, Brown DM, & Silverman, DT. Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality and Diesel Exhaust and Respirable Dust Exposure in the Diesel Exhaust in Miners Study. American journal of epidemiology 2018;187(12):2623-32. 10.1093/aje/kwy182 PMID:30137203 PMCID:PMC6269247