Human Factors and Ergonomics

Biomechanical, Physiological & Subjective Evaluation of Bed Making Among Hotel Room Cleaners

Harris-Adamson, C.

Presentation at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) National Research Agenda (NORA) Services Sector Meeting at Oakland, USA

Effects of Varying Case Definition on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Prevalence Estimates in a Pooled Cohort

Thiese MS
Gerr F
Hegmann KT
Harris-Adamson C
Dale AM
Evanoff B
Eisen EA
Kapellusch JM
Garg A
Burt S
Bao S
Silverstein B
Merlino L
Rempel D

Publication: Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Updates on NORA Musculoskeletal Health Cross-Sector Council Activities

Rempel DM
Schneider S
Gallagher S
Gibson S
Kotowski S
Lu M-L
Fox RR
Dale AM
Orr G
Howard N, Zavitz B
Zavitz B
McGowan B
Wurzelbacher S
McCoskey K
Orta-Anes L

Conference: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting

Carpal tunnel syndrome among grocery store workers

Osorio AM
Ames RG
Jones JR
Rempel D
Castorina J
Estrin W
Thompson D
