Human Factors and Ergonomics

Current understanding of ultraviolet-C decontamination of N95 filtering facepiece respirators

Grist SM
Geldert L
Gopal A
Su A
Balch HB
Herr AE
Rapazzi S
Smullin S
Starr N
Rempel D
Agarwal P
Altermose N
Chen T
Hu G
Tung MC
Pillarisetti A
Robinowitz D
Shless JS

Returning to Work with COVID-19: Lessons from the California Grocery Worker Study.

Harris Adamson C
Dominguez C
Pacini A
Teran S
Bush D
Stock L
Costello, S

Conference: Applied Ergonomics Conference, New Orleans, 2021

Personal and workplace factors and median nerve function in a pooled study of 2396 US workers

​Rempel D
Gerr F
Harris-Adamson C
Hegmann KT
Thiese MS
Eisen EA
Kapellusch J
Garg A
Burt S
Bao S
Silverstein B
Merlino L
Dale AM
Evanoff B

Publication: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine