
Meg Honan, MS, CPE, PT

Instructor, Consultant

Meg is an EH&S specialist for the Department of Occupational Medicine at UCSF. She also serves and an instructor and development team member working with the University of California Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) Online Ergonomics Education Program. She studied Physical Therapy at Boston University and earned a Masters in Environmental Health Sciences/Ergonomics from UC Berkeley. Meg is a Board Certified Professional Ergonomist.

Frederick Houghton

Staff Engineer for Human Factors & Ergonomics Lab
Human Factors & Ergonomics

Frederick (Freddie) Houghton is an EH&S Specialist for the Department of Occupational Medicine at UCSF. He recently earned his M.S. from UC Berkeley in mechanical engineering with a concentration in biomechanics and an emphasis in human factors and ergonomics, as well as his B.S. in mechanical engineering with a minor in bioengineering. He provides engineering services for research projects in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Lab.

Avinia Ismiyati

Student Researcher
Human Factors & Ergonomics

Degree Program: Environmental Health Sciences PhD Student

Expected Graduation: 2027

Area(s) of Interest: Avinia is a Ph.D Student, visiting from Indonesia, in the environmental health sciences division with an emphasis on ergonomics and human factors. Areas of interest include occupational health and safety, musculoskeletal disorder prevention, injury prevention, and hybrid workers.

Desired Employment:Government Institution

Elina Morishita

Student Researcher
Human Factors & Ergonomics
Degree Program: Bachelor of Science Expected Graduation: 2026 Area(s) of Interest: Biomechanical design/manufacturing, wearable technology Projects: Currently working on wearable exposure measurement components of the poultry line speed evaluation study. Desired employment: Industry

Jesús Alfaro

STEER Program Manager | Data System Analyst

Gina Grayson

COEH Business Operations Manager

David Rempel, MD, MPH

Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus David Rempel MD, MPH, started the UC Ergonomics Program in 1991. He has been teaching, doing research, and consulting in the field of ergonomics for 20 years and is a Certified Professional Ergonomist. He continues his research part-time through the UC Ergonomics Lab. Professor Rempel was a member of the National Research Council’s Panel on Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace, served on the ANSI Z-365 Committee (Control of Musculoskeletal Disorders), is an ad hoc reviewer for NIH and OSH study sections, and is currently a member of...