Ergonomics Certificate Program

Can I receive University credits for taking these courses?

No. Although the Center of Occupational & Environmental Health is based out of UC Berkeley and includes programs at UC San Francisco and UC Davis, there is no University course credit that is available for these courses. We find that most people in HF&E have a degree but lack HF&E courses. Therefore, in order to keep the price down, we are offering these courses as continuing education, and participants who successfully complete the courses will receive continuing education units. In order to receive University Credit, one would need to enroll in the in-person/on-site...

Who are these classes designed for?

These classes are designed for people who are new or practicing ergonomists in the field who are looking for a more formalized education to providing excellent, evidence-based services. Many ergonomists fall into their position because they have a related degree but they lack formal education in Human Factors & Ergonomics. Therefore, these classes are ideal for those individuals who have some background in a related field and have a Bachelors or Graduate degree.

What happens if I fail a course?

If you fail an exam or a course (receive less than a 70% in the class or 60% on the Final Exam), you will be asked to remediate to demonstrate that you have learned the materials. Remediation will be specific to the individual and material. You will have 3 months to complete the remediation, though typical remediation will be resolved within a couple of weeks.

What types of assignments are there?

Each class has 3-5 assignments and a class project. Some assignments are individual and some are paired or in small groups. The assignments are designed to help you apply what you have learned about specific topics. The class project is designed to help you transfer knowledge to the field.

Is there a minimum requirement to pass the course?

Yes. This course is offered on a pass / fail basis for continuing education credit. Note: Learners must obtain an overall Final Grade of 70% or higher, and a Final Exam grade of 60% or higher, to pass the course, and to obtain a Certificate of Completion.

Are there exams?

Yes. There are online exams that are open book but timed. Based on the honor system, they are to be completed individually. Exams are an important way to identify topics that need further clarification from your instructors and are designed to help you learn the material.

Who teaches the classes?

We have a superb group of instructors who have both professional and academic expertise. Together, the group has decades of research, teaching, professional consulting, and program management experience.

What else do I need for professional certification?

Depending on the country you are applying for professional certification from, you will need a Bachelors Degree (BCPE) or Masters Degree in an affiliated field, and at least 3 years of experience in the field. You will also need to pass the professional examination.

How can I ensure that I develop my hands-on/field skills?

You will be learning about best practices while taking measurements and other hands-on skills during all 6 courses. The Summer Skills Workshop during the 2nd week of July is the best way to practice your hands-on skills with in-person instruction. Simulated jobs and tasks are set up to help you gain confidence in measuring exposures and estimating risk.