Professional Certification


This program includes six eight-week courses, designed specifically to prepare individuals for certification by the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (link is external) (BCPE). Courses can also be used to demonstrate competency and fulfill educational requirements by the Canadian College for Certified Professional Ergonomists (link is external) (CCCPE). COEH CE is also an approved provider with the Board of Certification for Certified Athletic Trainers (link is external)(BOC AP#: P10242). 

These courses are ideal for learners with a degree in a related field (Industrial Engineering, Physical/Occupational Therapy, Kinesiology/Biomechanics, Occupational Health Nursing, Industrial Hygiene, etc.), who may lack Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) specific training, or as a refresher for those with a degree in Human Factors. 

Not everyone will need to take all six courses, and you should feel free to pick the courses that best fill the gaps in your Human Factors and Ergonomics Education. However, if you have a degree in a related field but no formal training in HFE, we strongly encourage you to take all six courses to optimize your effectiveness in the field and prepare you for certification.