Melissa Afterman, MS-HFE, CPE
Melissa is a board Certified Professional Ergonomist and the Head of Professional Development for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Program. In this role, she applies her 20 years of ergonomics consulting experience to guide students on a pathway to working in industry. Working with the...Read more about Melissa Afterman, MS-HFE, CPE
Joshua Apte, PhD
Robert Atwill, DVM, MPVM, PhD
John Balmes, MD
John R. Balmes is a Professor Emeritus of Environmental Health Sciences whose research is focused on the respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolic health effects of various air pollutants and occupational agents.Read more about John Balmes, MD
Rahmat Balogun, DO, MS, MPH
Rahmat Balogun, DO, MS, MPH is Medical Director at UCSF Occupational Health Services within the Division of Occupational Environmental and Climate Medicine. She is also Rotation Preceptor and Director for Medical Students and Residents. Dr. Balogun is an RAC Member for OEM Residency, and...Read more about Rahmat Balogun, DO, MS, MPH
Alan Barr, MS
Alan has degrees in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. He is the senior engineer on staff at the UCB/UCSF Ergonomics Graduate Training Program. He spent the last 13 years collaborating on research related to health and safety issues surrounding the use of hand-operated drills used in...Read more about Alan Barr, MS
Michael Bates, PhD
Timothy Beatty
Deborah Bennett, PhD
Max Blumberg, MD, MPH
Degree Program: Master of Public Health
Graduated: 2024
Garrett Brown, MPH, CIH
Garrett Brown is a Certified Industrial Hygienist who has a Master in Public Health for UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. For more than 20 years, Brown worked for the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) as a field compliance officer and later as Special...Read more about Garrett Brown, MPH, CIH
Nicole Collman, RN, ANP-BC, CNS
Assistant Clinical Professor, has practiced in OH for over 13 years, and currently practices as an OH NP at Pixar (computer animation co.) and Adult Nurse Practitioner at UCSF’s Screening and Acute Care Clinic. She is an expert in the prevention and treatment of work-related injuries and...Read more about Nicole Collman, RN, ANP-BC, CNS
Kathryn Conlon, PhD, MPH
Sadie Costello, PhD, MPH
Sadie Costello is an occupational and environmental epidemiologist at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. She has studied a range of chronic disease outcomes, including heart disease and cancer, in relation to particulate exposures in light metal manufacturing, metalworking fluids in...Read more about Sadie Costello, PhD, MPH
Mark Cullen, MD, MPH
Laurel Davis, MPH
Laurel is an EHS Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and has over 25 years of ES&H experience. At Berkeley Lab, she manages a team of Industrial Hygienists and Safety Specialists, who support research operations and a broad range health and safety programs. She has previously...Read more about Laurel Davis, MPH
Rosemarie de la Rosa, PhD, MPH
Rosemarie de la Rosa is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences whose research focuses on understanding how the social environment becomes biologically embedded over the life course and influences susceptibility to pollutant exposures.Read more about Rosemarie de la Rosa, PhD, MPH
Sandra Domeracki, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN
Associate Clinical Professor with a focus on OH in healthcare settings including medical surveillance programs, injured worker care, and case management, infectious disease prevention and management of exposures, immunizations, and bloodborne pathogen exposures. She also practices as a NP...Read more about Sandra Domeracki, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN
Timur Durrani, MD, MPH, MBA
Ellen Eisen, PhD, ScD
Ellen Eisen is a Professor trained in biostatistics and interested in questions about the role of work in health and the contribution of occupational exposures to the risk of disease.Read more about Ellen Eisen, PhD, ScD
Fadi Fathallah, PhD
Professor Fadi Fathallah, PhD, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at UC Davis, provides lectures in the Ergonomics course at UC Berkeley. His expertise in spine biomechanics (with Professor Krause’s expertise in low back pain) helps to fill a previously...Read more about Fadi Fathallah, PhD
Sheiphali Gandhi, MD, MPH
Sheiphali Gandhi, MD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor at the University of California San Francisco in the Divisions of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep, and Allergy Medicine. She is a dual-boarded pulmonologist and occupational/environmental...Read more about Sheiphali Gandhi, MD, MPH
Ken Goldberg, MS, PhD
Professor Ken Goldberg, MS, PhD, joined the university five years ago and is responsible for teaching human factors courses in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley. He lectures on human factors issues in the Ergonomics course (PH269C...Read more about Ken Goldberg, MS, PhD
Jay Graham, PhD, MBA, MPH
Jay Graham’s research contributes to the development of more efficient and effective approaches to scale-up public health initiatives for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.Read more about Jay Graham, PhD, MBA, MPH
Matthew, Gribble, PhD
Sandeep Guntur, MD, MPH
Katherine Hammond, PhD, CIH
Carisa Harris, PhD, CPE
Associate Professor and Director Carisa Harris Adamson, PhD, CPE is the primary graduate advisor for M.S., MPH and Ph.D...Read more about Carisa Harris, PhD, CPE
Robert Harrison, MD, MPH
Dr. Robert Harrison is a specialist in occupational medicine. He founded the UCSF Occupational Health Program and has directed its services for more than 15 years. He has diagnosed and treated more than 10,000 patients with work-related and environmentally induced diseases or injuries. He...Read more about Robert Harrison, MD, MPH
Karen Hill, Ph.D., ANP-C, MSN, RN
Associate Clinical Professor, teaches OH and Diverse Worker Populations (N273A) and is responsible for the clinical training in the MS Program of 2nd-year students (N415.28B) and for the development and revision of the MS curriculum. Her areas of interest include OEHN, primary care,...Read more about Karen Hill, Ph.D., ANP-C, MSN, RN
Stephanie Holm, MD, MPH
Meg Honan, MS, CPE, PT
Meg is an EH&S specialist for the Department of Occupational Medicine at UCSF. She also serves and an instructor and development team member working with the University of California Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (...Read more about Meg Honan, MS, CPE, PT
Oisaeng Hong, RN, PhD, FAAN
Frederick Houghton
Frederick (Freddie) Houghton is an EH&S Specialist for the Department of Occupational Medicine at UCSF. He recently earned his M.S. from UC Berkeley in mechanical engineering with a concentration in biomechanics and an emphasis in human factors and ergonomics, as well as his B.S. in...Read more about Frederick Houghton
Carly Hyland, PhD, MS
Carly Hyland is an Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension in Environmental Health Sciences and UC ANR whose work focuses on mitigating the health effects of climate change among agricultural and food systems workers.Read more about Carly Hyland, PhD, MS
Ann Keller, PhD
Ann C. Keller is an Associate Professor of Health Politics and Policy whose research projects focus on exploring the nature and use of scientific and technical expertise in public decision making.Read more about Ann Keller, PhD
Farzaneh Khorsandi, PhD
Dr. Niklas Krause, MD, MPH, PhD
Dr. Niklas Krause, MD, MPH, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at UCSF with expertise in the epidemiology of low back pain related to work and psychosocial and work organizational factors. Professor Krause lectures in PH269C and PH269D and advises students conducting...Read more about Dr. Niklas Krause, MD, MPH, PhD
Layla Kwong, PhD
Laura (Layla) H. Kwong is an assistant professor in Environmental Health Sciences who focuses on exposure to environmental contaminants and infectious disease, impacts on child and maternal health and development, and interventions to reduce adverse impacts. She has worked in Bangladesh,...Read more about Layla Kwong, PhD
Soo-Jeong Lee, RN, PhD, ANP
Associate Professor, has been a core faculty member of the program since 2010. She received her PhD from UCSF in 2007 and post-doctoral training in public health and epidemiology at NIOSH through the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) program. Dr. Lee has 19 years of research...Read more about Soo-Jeong Lee, RN, PhD, ANP
Dr. Stephen McCurdy, MD, MPH
Mark Nicas, PhD, MPH, CIH
Elizabeth Noth, PhD, CIH
As Director of the Industrial Hygiene program in the Northern California NIOSH Education and Research Center at the Northern California Center of Occupational and Environmental Health, I provide leadership in mentoring, teaching and research opportunities to student trainees in our program...Read more about Elizabeth Noth, PhD, CIH
Grace O’Connell
Biomechanics of cartilage and intervertebral disc; tissue engineering; continuum modeling of soft tissues; intervertebral disc function, degeneration, and regenerationRead more about Grace O’Connell
Kent Pinkerton, PhD
Dr. Jim Potvin, PhD, CCPE
Jim received a B.H.K. in Kinesiology from the University of Windsor (1986) and a M.Sc. (1988) and Ph.D. (1992) in biomechanics from the University of Waterloo. He was a professor for 23 years at the University of Guelph, University of Windsor and McMaster University, where is he now a...Read more about Dr. Jim Potvin, PhD, CCPE
Justin Remais, PhD, MS
David Rempel, MD, MPH
Professor Emeritus David Rempel MD, MPH, started the UC Ergonomics Program in 1991. He has been teaching, doing research, and consulting in the field of ergonomics for 20 years and is a Certified Professional Ergonomist. He continues his research part-time through...Read more about David Rempel, MD, MPH
Dr. Michelle Robertson, PhD, CPE
Michelle is a Board Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) and holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology, M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California and a B.A. in Human Factors/Ergonomics from the University of California Santa Barbara. She is a Fellow of the...Read more about Dr. Michelle Robertson, PhD, CPE
Marc Schenker, MD, MPH
Megan Schwarzman, MD, MPH
James Seward, MD, MPP, MMM
Glenn Shor, PhD, MPP
Glenn Shor is a lecturer and affiliated researcher with the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at U.C. Berkeley, where he co-teaches a School of Public Health course on injury prevention and control. He also is a lecturer in the Department of Public Health at CSU-Sacramento, where...Read more about Glenn Shor, PhD, MPP
Christopher Simmons, PhD
Gina Solomon, MD, MPH
Gina Solomon, M.D., M.P.H. is the Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at UCSF. In this role, she oversees clinical occupational and environmental health at UCSF Health, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, and the San Francisco Veterans Administration...Read more about Gina Solomon, MD, MPH