

Two women laughing while trying on an exoskeleton

Our faculty and leadership are composed of academics, engineers, and professionals who have years of experience researching, teaching and consulting on the prevention of occupational injuries.

Through on campus classes, online classes and various workshops, this group of individuals ensures that we have well trained and supported students, researchers and practitioners here and abroad. One aspect of the core faculty’s reputation and strength is the extramural support obtained. Research grants, gifts, and consultation services provide approximately 90% of the funding support for the Ergonomics Program.

Program Director

Carisa Harris, PhD, CPE 

Associate Professor and Director Carisa Harris Adamson, PhD, CPE is the primary graduate advisor for M.S., MPH and Ph.D. students; approximately 50% of her time is directly involved in teaching and mentoring (e.g. courses, oversight of graduate students' research projects, mentoring field/clinical internships etc).  She is a Faculty Member in the Department of Medicine at University of California San Francisco with a multi-location appointment in the Environmental Health Sciences Department in the School of Public Health at University of California at Berkeley.   

PubMed MyNCBI:   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1js35l-gY6kAQ/bibliography/public/

Core Program Faculty & Staff

Affiliated Faculty